Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Random Thoughts

Chinese restaurants do not deliver. McDonald’s does.


 I saw an ambulance the other day. It was in an emergency with its lights and siren on. But then, it came to a traffic signal. Instead of going through the light as it wanted, it had to stop. And wait. The bikes and mopeds wouldn’t move. The police, who were directing traffic, didn’t help. Soon, the ambulance turned off its siren. I noticed a medic working on the person in the back. Since this was a large intersection, it took another minute for the light to change. After the bikes and mopeds were on their way, only then did the ambulance turn on its siren and proceed through the intersection.

 I do not want to have a problem in Shanghai.


 I love hearing the American music blaring from speakers on bicycles on many street corners. Someone is always selling CDs and DVDs of American entertainment. I am sure they are not legal, but boy, do people buy them!


 The parks in Shanghai are beautiful, especially People’s Park and the park where the Second Communist Congress gathered. Flowers of every color you can imagine, pathways that are free of trash and manicured lawns abound. 

I wish those responsible cared as much about some of the other areas of the city.


 Everywhere you look, there is the startling difference between neglected and forgotten buildings and the opulence in the new ones. My three favorite modern buildings look like a rocket, something with a handle and a high-rise that still maintains elements of old Chinese architecture.

 I feel sorry for the forgotten ones.



Holding hands in China is as common as waking up: Men and men; women and women; friends; and, spouses. Now, I walk down the street holding my own hand so I don’t feel lonely.


It can often be difficult to get to the Underground because every station doubles as a mall. It will be very easy to spend money in Shanghai when my family arrives. We may miss every train!


 The price of bottled water is extremely low. I buy Nestle water. Each bottle costs about 1.60 Yuan, which works out to less than 30-cents. I would think it would be more because there is no alternative, unless of course you include soda, juices and tea.



Most of the dogs I have seen are not on a leash. The interesting thing is that even in the chaos that is everywhere, they are very well behaved.


 I ate at my first hole-in-the-wall restaurant. The smell was great, although I didn’t know what they were making. Then, the line started to form. One person, then a group of 4, then 2, then a large group, all throwing money at the cook and receiving a bag full of large white dough balls in return. I walked up and was about to ask what was in the ball when the next rush came from behind and threw more money. After a few more seconds, I was able to ask. “Meat” was the answer. Duh! No one in China gets this excited over just vegetables! I bought one. I should have bought 10. It was a large dumpling with meat and a sauce inside. I had to nibble a hole in the dough to avoid being burned. Really, really good. I think I will remember where it is when my family arrives.


 I am really impressing people with how I can find my way around the city. I have not needed a guide since the first day. Here is what I do: I pick a destination and then I pick a train station far enough away that I know I will get to my destination after about a three-hour walk. It has been the best way to immerse myself in the city. It has taken me off the tourist route and created many opportunities to learn about the culture away from the maps in my pocket. I know life will be different on Monday when my family arrives. I can’t wait for them to get here, and I can’t wait to share with them what I have experienced… all in much less time!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful thought about holding hands. (I will hold my own hand until you are home.)
