Sunday, May 17, 2009

Begging in Shanghai

 I grew up in New York City. I went to school in Los Angeles. I worked in Portland and Tucson. I have seen hundreds of people beg for money: people without limbs; homeless; and, people who want their next fix. Never have I seen what I saw Friday night.

 I was on a train when I noticed a young woman, maybe in her early 20s, walking down the aisle with a Styrofoam cup. She actually looked very well, neither ill nor homeless. She stood in front of each person and simply shook her cup. I should not assume her situation, but it was difficult for me not to because I have seen some people here in China who have very obvious problems.

 Then I heard the rattle of a second cup.

 Maybe three years old. That’s as old as her son could have been. He walked up to the person next to me. He stood there, shaking HIS Styrofoam cup.

 He did not say a word.

 Just like his mother taught him.

 My heart sank.

 Now, I don’t have a problem with people asking for money, but I just can’t accept having a child beg with them. Maybe that is their only way to make a living, but I feel sorry for the lesson it is teaching him.

 My guide told me this happens in China. Many times, she said, beggars really don’t need the money, but it is an easy way to make it.

 No one put money in the mother’s cup.

 His cup was full.

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