Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Arriving in Shanghai

I had heard rumors that all passengers would have to pass a physical when we arrived in Shanghai. The Chinese government is trying anything it can to prevent the Swine Flu from doing to the population what SARS did a few years ago. No one has a problem with that.

Still, when we were told to not get out of our seats when the plane arrived, we were perplexed. Then it happened. Four health officials dressed in those same suits that the people wore in the movie E.T. boarded the plane. They proceeded to tell us they needed to take everyone's temperature. If anyone had a temperature of over 100.4, we ALL would be quarantined for the next 5-7 days to see if anyone had other symptoms. Although I am sure we all felt healthy, you can just imagine how uneasy we all felt. I saw a couple people begin to sweat, which is exactly what NOT TO DO.

They took our temperature by making us close our eyes as they shone a laser at our foreheads. OK, that was really freaky. There were about 300 people on the plane so it took an extra 30 minutes. Finally, they said we were clear to deplane. What a relief!

EVERYONE at the airport wore a mask. I have never felt a level of concern like this from a group of people. We had to go through another medical check where we had to fill out a form about any symptoms we might be feeling. Once we were through there, it was on to customs and then to find my guide Zao.

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